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How To Apply For DDD Services In Arizona

| Hgrant |

Recently, it’s come to our attention that more and more parents are not aware of what services are available for them through the Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) or they have not been told how to apply for DDD services. When you have a child or a loved one with a disability that needs necessary support, navigating the murky bureaucratic waters to get them the support they need is the last thing you want to do. Often times, its daunting enough to make people give up before they even start or get confused somewhere in the process. If you are a parent or guardian that needs to apply for DDD services for a loved one, Lexington is here to make the process a little easier.

What’s Included In DDD Services?

DDD services in the state of Arizona are multi-faceted and designed to help all manner of people with disabilities based on their needs. Many of these services are available through Lexington Services as a trusted Arizona DDD provider. DDD services include:


  • Day Support and After-School Support Services


    • – These programs provide supervision, training and activities to support the development of many skills. Through a community center such as Lexington Learning Center, members are able to learn life skills, safety skills and socialization under the supervision of dedicated, professional staff.


    • In-Home Care – In-home providers help members manage their safety and healthy living needs in their home. They also help members work on habilitation skills such as independence development and improve their life skills.


    • Employment Services – DDD also provides for employment opportunities and training programs such as Transition To Employment (TTE) that can be sought out at places like Lexington Services.


    • Independent Living – Places like Lexington also offer programs for independent living such as Individually Designed Living Arrangements that help members to live on their own or as independently as possible.


  • Therapy Services – For members that require therapeutic intervention, DDD providers like Lexington Services employ expert therapists to help members develop crucial skills and functions.

For a full list of what can be covered under the DDD, you can consult this list. The Department of Economic Security (DES) is dedicated to providing the right services for Arizona citizens through the Department of Disabilities.

How To Enroll In DDD Services

When you apply for DDD services, it can be a bit daunting but it’s not too bad when you have the right forms and documentation. Before you apply to figure out if your child or loved one is eligible for the service, make sure that you have these documents and then you can apply for services from the state that you will receive through a service provider like Lexington:


  • A Signed Application for Eligibility Determination


    • – This documentation provides info about you and your child or loved one to determine eligibility.

Find the application by clicking here.


    • Copy of Birth Certificate (or Citizenship / Immigration Documents) – The state of AZ requires DDD help U.S. Citizens and people who reside here legally.


    • Health Coverage – Some insurance companies have a responsibility to cover medical costs before DDD pays for some or all costs


    • Records of a Qualifying Disability – DDD services are meant specifically for people with qualifying developmental or cognitive disabilities that impede substantial functions. These disabilities include Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Autism Spectrum Disorder and other cognitive disabilities. A full chart of substantial function limitations can be found by clicking here. In order to apply for DDD services, a record of the disability must be provided.


    • Evaluation Report From School / Individual Education Plan – This is another piece of documentation that lets people determine if their child meets eligibility. Unfortunately, it’s also a hurdle that many parents have to contend with, but with persistence and accurate documentation, you can overcome this (we’ll do a longer blog about this soon).


  • Legal Responsibility Documents – You have to be able to prove that you are legally responsible for the child or person in question or that the person applying is responsible, so you must have legal documentation to prove that.

If you have this documentation, you can go ahead and apply for DDD services. As of right now, there is no convenient application online, so you can email all required documentation to or you are welcome to mail or drop off a completed application at a DDD office statewide. You can find those offices, their hours of business, and their phone numbers under “Eligibility Office Locations” when you click this link.

Obtaining Records And Help

This is a confusing process and we want to make this as easy on stressed out and busy parents as possible. Some of the most frequently asked questions are outlined on the DES website. More often than not, questions are related to obtaining records or what to do if you don’t have those records/ can’t access these records. There are processes in place to ease this process and the state has eligibility specialists in place to help. You can contact them at 1-844-770-9500 or with questions.

At Lexington, we want to make this process as easy as possible for you to apply and get accepted because we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to grow and develop their skills so they can thrive. You can always contact our office for more information by calling 480-900-1009 or sending an email to with any questions you might have.