Why Does Lexington Participate In The Autism Speaks Walk?
As the Arizona Autism Speaks Walk approaches, Lexington corporate is planning and coordinating what’s going to happen at one of the state’s biggest events supporting autism research. Arizona is a state that’s leading the charge in providing for our community members that have autism, as well as other developmental disabilities. Governor Doug Ducey has created incentives for companies to hire more adults with special needs and created programs for other companies to relocate here, bringing with them more jobs for the community of adults with autism.
Every year, the organization Autism Speaks puts on large walks in major cities across the country. The Autism Speaks Walk is a huge event in the autism community, if not simply because of the sheer amount of donations raised that are funneled into research on autism. Every year, in cities across the U.S., people gather for a single day to walk and support loved one, friends, neighbors and their community.
What The Autism Speaks Walk Does For The Community
The Autism Speaks Walk is a positive thing for the special needs community in Phoenix, as well as the greater population of Phoenix who are not connected to a loved one with autism. As mentioned, the Autism Speaks Walk raises hundreds of thousands of dollars for autism research every year. Donations generated through the walk are also used to provide resources for families of kids with autism.
Beyond that, the Autism Speaks Walk demonstrates a community’s solidarity with the autism community. The walk also serves to expose people to problems that people with autism face, as well as the inspiring ways that they overcome those problems and do great things. It’s not an event that’s supposed to stir up pity. It’s an event that serves to demonstrate strength and perseverance, especially against society’s larger perceptions of people with autism.
Why Does Lexington Participate?
At Lexington, we want to support all of our members in the pursuits that make them happy or make them feel supported. It’s an honor to walk with our team, to spend time with the Lexington crew and the larger Arizona community as we walk in solidarity. We walk for our members. We walk so they can receive all the services, resources and attention that they deserve. Check out this short video from last year:
How Can You Get Involved?
The Autism Speaks Walk has grown so much in the last few years and it can grow even more if you get involved. Every October people descend on the Tempe Town Lake Beach park to start the walk and to enjoy all the festivities that happen before and after the walk.
Want to join in? The Lexington team is recruiting new warriors for the 2019 team and we want you! Go to this link and sign up for Lexington’s team now: http://act.autismspeaks.org/goto/lexingtonwarriors.