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Tag: Speech-Language Pathology

Early Intervention And Speech-Language Pathology

Being a parent can often be full of turmoil and surprising outcomes in multiple situations, but nothing really compares to all the turmoil that goes on in your inner dialogue. Parents and caregivers, particularly parents of young children, seem to have a constant mental stream of “what if” situations going through their mind. What happens when one of those “what if” situations becomes a reality? For many parents, the first sign of developmental delay becomes apparent in their child’s understanding and use of language. If you’re concerned with your child’s speech development, early intervention in a speech-language pathology program can be key to helping a child learn to process and use language. Here are the warning signs you should watch for to figure out if you need to seek early intervention in a speech pathology program such as the program at Lexington Services.

Warning Signs

There are a number of signs that could serve as a warning to you as a parent that your child may need to see get involved in a speech-language pathology program, but remember that each child is different and develops differently. Some times early intervention is needed and that’s when you need to act. Here are some common warning signs based on age:

  • Birth – 6 Months – Often times immediate signs can manifest as early as a couple months old. If your child does not smile, babble, or communicate their needs in some manner, you need to keep an eye on their behavior and perhaps seek out a speech-language pathology program.
  • 6 – 12 Months – In this stage, if your child doesn’t understand her/his name or doesn’t use common gestures, it’s possible that they might need to meet with a speech-language pathologist.
  • 12 – 18 Months – While this can be a difficult phase to track because so many kids vary in their language acquisition, if your child has said no words, doesn’t seem to understand gesturing and can’t respond to commands very well, they may need to see a professional.
  • 2 – 3 Years – If your child has trouble playing and talking with other kids, says fewer than 50 words or doesn’t imitate words or actions, they likely need to get involved in a speech-language pathology program.

If your child exhibit these signs above or other signs that their speech and language development might be delayed, it’s better to see a professional, rather than ignore the problem. Speech-language pathology is designed to help develop skills in your child that they need. Early intervention is not something to be embarrassed about when it comes to your child. Instead, you should view it as providing a little extra support to your loved one to help them grow.

Finding A Partner In Phoenix

If you’re looking for a partner in the valley that specializes in early intervention, Lexington Services is the partner you need. Our Speech-Language Pathology program is expanding and we have just added more professionals to our 19th Avenue location in Phoenix and our Hampton North location in Mesa. Call 480-530-0890 now for more information.