Obtaining A Diagnosis For Autism As An Adult
No one is in love with going to the doctor, but it’s important for your health and your well being to understand the things going on inside your body. We seek the doctor’s prognosis when it comes to our physical health and the ailments that we perceive within our body, but much of society is still obstinate to obtain any information about their mental wellness and state of mind. For this reason, many adults that were not evaluated and given a diagnosis for autism as a child struggle with their own difficulties as an adult. However, it’s not too late to receive a diagnosis for autism as an adult. If anything, knowing who you are a little better will help you to improve your quality of life. And when you need a community to stand with you, the Lexington community will be right there waiting.
Should I Get Diagnosed For Autism
The difference between adults getting a diagnosis for autism and a child going through the diagnosis is who is calling the shots and the motivation behind a diagnosis. As adults, usually with jobs and lives to run, we have to decide when it’s right to receive a diagnosis, rather than someone making that decision. A great number of adults that seek out a diagnosis for autism do so because they have a child, a nephew or a niece or even a neighbors child who gets diagnosed and some of the symptoms sound familiar to their own experience. If you have a condition such as attention deficit disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder, this may have been a misdiagnosis. The most difficult part of obtaining a diagnosis for autism as an adult is that there are not many specialists that are skilled in diagnosing adults. Autism centers can usually recommend a specialist that works in that area.
What Should I Expect?
Adults that have experienced years of social conditioning and self-management have gotten good at hiding or even keeping some of the symptoms that they now want a doctor to diagnose. The observations that lead to a diagnosis for autism when you’re an adult are much more nuanced than the observations needed to diagnose a child. When you do go in for your diagnosis, expect a specialist to watch your behaviors closely and ask many questions. It’s also likely going to involve the doctor speaking to your family, relatives and close friends that may have observed you for much of your life, because they can give the biggest testimony as to your behaviors.
Overcoming Taboos and Stereotypes
The reality of obtaining a diagnosis for autism as an adult is that many people will not understand your choice and there are less resources available to adults. While many insurance companies will cover treatment, many will not cover the cost of a diagnosis. Furthermore, most people assume that if you have finished school and obtained gainful employment, there is no reason for a diagnosis. However, they don’t really understand what kind of loneliness and dissatisfaction that not understanding yourself can bring. Don’t be afraid to seek what’s right for you.
Where To Seek Community
Despite the initial taboos and stereotypes you might face, just know that there are many communities you can seek out for support and resources. Lexington Services connects people with the DDD services and help they need in Arizona or points them in the right direction. If you or a loved one has recently received a diagnosis for autism as an adult, contact our team today by calling 480-900-1009.